

Jun. 2014: Challenge Camerounais, Social Business Forum in Dortmund, Germany.
Presenter on Best Practices for Social Businesses in developing countries.



Dec. 2013: Fact-Finding Mission to Shymkent region of South Kazakhstan.
Commissioned by the German- Kazakh Agricultural Policy Dialogue (G-KAPD). 


Nov. 2013: World Innovation Forum (WIF-KL) "More with Less" in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Guest Speaker on Panel “More with Less,” featured on Astro-Awani news and BFM 89.9 Radio broadcast.


Nov. 2013: Social Enterprise Alliance's xCHANGE Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Guest Speaker & Social Innovation Competition Judge


Sept. 2013: Passive & Low Energy Architecture Conference in Munich, Germany.
Poster & Paper, "SEED Certification: A Framework for Addressing Triple Bottomline Sustainability," with Mallory Taub.


May 2013:  "Aquaponics & Food Security," 1st International Aquaponics Conference, in Wisconsin, USA. Further aquaponics research and growth in network of aquaponics practitioners internationally.


May 2013  Islamic Development Bank (IDB), 24th Annual Symposium Speaker in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
Panel speaker alongside Dr. Jeffery Sachs on Innovations for Economic Development in IDB Member Countries.


Mar. 2013:  MIT Sloan Conference Speaker & Business Plan Competition Judge in Cambridge, USA.
Panel Speaker on Food & Agriculture Innovations and selected winners for Student Competition.


Mar. 2013:  Presenter & Workshop Speaker at Structures For Incusion Conference in Minnesota, USA.
Working with other designers to create a framework for Public Interest Design Projects internationally.


Feb. 2013:  GIZ's Digital Development Debates Article, "From Kitchen Scraps to Healthy Food."
Explains why Maa-Bara works in developing countries and how we are growing a youth culture of agro- innovation.



Aug. 2012:  Maa-Bara team Deploys Aquaponics Project in Lenya, Kenya!
Successful project deployment with partners in Lenya Primary School in Nyanze Province, Kenya.


Aug. 2012:  Huffington Post Article "Runo Okiomah's Maa-Bara: Growing Food Anywhere."
Story provides a chronology of the Maa-Bara Project.


Apr. 2012:  Winner! Ralph Adams Cram Award for Multi-disciplinary Excellence in a Thesis, USA.
Runo Okiomah recieved a cash prize for thesis, "Maa-Bara: Catalyzing Change in Nigeria's Niger Delta."


Jan 2012:  The Social Entrepreneurs of MIT School of Architecture + Planning, USA.
Listed by MIT School of Architecture + Planning as a product of the Institute's entrepreneurial culture.



Aug. 2011:  MIT Spectrum Spotlight on Elisha Goodman: "A Wish to Heal the World."
Elisha Goodman is featured in Spectrum Editiorial, highlighting exceptional MIT students.


May 2011:  WIN! MIT Global Challenge, USA.
Muhammad Yunus Innovation Challenge: improved Agricultural Processes for Better Livelihoods.


May 2011:  "Community and Economic Benefits of Aquaponics in Cold Weather Climates."
MIT Master of Urban Planning Thesis by Elisha Goodman.


Apr. 2011:  WIN! Africa Innovate Business Competition, USA.
Maa-Bara is one of the Winners at MIT Sloan School of Management.


Jan. 2011:  “New Harvest:  Agricultural Innovation in Africa”
Book by team-mentor Dr. Calestous Juma details how agricultural innovation will be the key to economic development in Africa.


Jan. 2011:  Initial Maa-Bara Design.
Completed as Runo Okiomah's Master in Architecture Design Thesis at MIT.



Oct. 2010:  Aquaponics Experiment.
Elisha Goodman builds Proof-of-Concept with partners in Lynn, Massachusetts.


Jun. 2010:  MIT Schlossman Thesis Research Grant to Niger Delta, Nigeria.
Runo Okiomah researched vertical aquaculture in Japan and engaged in stakeholder meetings with fishing community in Nigeria.